Livestock Information Service. A free, drop in training event.

04oct9:00 am12:00 pmLivestock Information Service. A free, drop in training event.Wednesday 4th October 9-12 @ Garlic Farm Restaurant, Mersley Lane, Newchurch

Event Details

On Wednesday 4th of October between 9am and midday, Joanne March from the Royal Isle of Wight Agricultural Society (RIWAS) is running a free drop in event at the Garlic Farm Restaurant, Mersley Lane, Newchurch, to help livestock keepers sign up to the Livestock Information Service (LIS).  This event has been organised and is being run by the RIWAS, who are encouraging all sheep and goat entries for the 2024 RIWAS Show to be reported online.  Emma from the Trading Standards Team will be on hand to offer support.

LIS is the online movement reporting service currently used for sheep, goats, and deer movements.  It is anticipated cattle and pig movement reporting will be move over to the LIS in the future.

Why Register with LIS?

LIS have advised us they are no longer produce paper movement forms.  Although reporting by paper will be possible, pre-printed carbonised forms will no longer be available.  Keepers wishing to report movements using paper forms will need to print their own.  Reporting movements online has several benefits, including:

  • Deliver quicker, more convenient ways to record livestock moves, births and deaths.
  • No postage costs.
  • Enable faster and more targeted responses from government and industry to tackle exotic disease outbreaks and speed up control of endemic diseases of concern to industry.

For further information on the Livestock Information Service, please follow this LINK.

It is hoped you will find this free event of use.



(Wednesday) 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

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